Thirteen Group

Thirteen Group

Thirteen is the largest housing association in the North East, owning and managing 34,000 properties, with around 30,000 in the Tees Valley.

Providing services for more than 70,000 customers, Thirteen offers much more than a home, offering a range of housing support services including money advice, an employability service, supported housing and extra care schemes to help people live independently.

To make the organisation more environmentally conscious and get all colleagues on board in helping stamp out its direct carbon emissions, in turn reducing the negative impact on the planet, Thirteen has pledged its commitment to reducing its environmental impact, by launching its Take Control campaign, which will see everyone taking responsibility to help achieve its goals to becoming a much greener organisation.

Thirteen Group Dashboard

trees planted

expected tonnes CO2 capture

hectares of ecosystem restored


Thirteen Group at Jon's Wood

Jon's Wood is a native woodland, adjacent to Crook Golf Club on the outskirts of Crook town. As the woodland matures it will be visible to much of the town.  The project as a whole is just under 10 hectares, with 23,625 trees set to capture over 7,200 tonnes CO2 over their lifetimes, as well... Read more