Sofa.com at Floors

Species Mix
- Alder
- Ash
- Aspen
- Cherry
- Downy Birch
- Oak
- Rowan
- Scots Pine
- Silver Birch
- Willow
- Wych Elm
- Woody Shrubs
Sofa.Com's decision to capture the carbon greenhouse gas emissions arising from their office, retail and distribution operations has resulted in the creation of this new woodland near Keith, in Aberdeenshire. In addition to capturing carbon the new woodland will offer improvement and maintenance of soil and water quality, creation and protection of habitat, and landscape enhancement. The trees planted at Floors will help protect and improve soil fertility and structure through the addition of leaf litter and forest biomass and the cessation of intrusive agricultural activities. The reduction in herbicide application brought about by the conversion to woodland will reduce the risk of diffuse pollution and ground and surface water contamination. The introduction of native woodland will provide new habitat for rare and endangered native animals, for example the Red squirrel.
There are no public access limitations at the site.
The woodland successfully underwent its scheduled Woodland Carbon Code re-certification in 2017.