Nominet at Arnott's Loan

Species Mix
- Alder
- Birch
- Hawthorn
- Hazel
- Oak
- Rowan
This is a native broadleaf project, south east of Dunbar. The project is the creation of new Oak (75%) woodland which will connect two areas of existing mature native (SSSI) Oak woodlands. In addition there are 15% Silver Birch and 10% woody shrubs. All are planted with feathered upper edges, to ensure sympathetic appearance in valley landscape and improve habitat for Black Grouse. The project will protect 1 mile of watercourse, improving water quality. Existing Gorse cover was cut to allow access, but otherwise retained to preserve worthwhile native habitat and cover. The long term aim of this woodland is to produce utilisable timber on a Continuous Cover basis, with a 100 year rotation, meaning no clear-felling, with instead selective thinning and re-planting ultimately producing an all-age broadleaf woodland. (In mainland Europe this is called 'Close to Nature Forestry, and it has significant biodiversity and carbon benefits in addition to supplying sustainable timber to the UK).