NEX Group at Talla & Gameshope

Species Mix
- Alder
- Aspen
- Birch
- Cherry
- Hazel
- Juniper
- Oak
Talla and Gameshope Estate was bought by Borders Forest Trust in 2004 with the aim of ecological restoration on a landscape scale. Restoration will be achieved through a combination of natural process such as the removal of livestock to allow vegetation recovery and direct intervention through work such as tree planting. A full assessment of the site was carried out to provide a greater understanding of the existing habitats and their condition and to guide the plan for restoration work. From this, ground suitable for native woodland planting was identified and this is forming the basis of the native woodland planting plan at T&G. The scheme aims to establish around 100 gross ha of new native woodland on the slopes of the Gameshope Valley over a 2 year period from 2018-2019. The woodland types to be established through the planting are Alder-Ash woodland with Yellow Pimpernel, upland mixed broadleaved woodland with dog’s mercury, upland oak/birch woodland with bluebell and upland oak/birch woodland with blueberry.
There are no public access limitations at the site.